What Critter Are You Based On How You Work?
How to Avoid Getting Sorted off from Community

How to Avoid Getting Sorted off from Community

I could hear the panicked cries and racing hooves before I made it outside. The commotion on the hill gave me goosebumps and had the hair standing up on the back of my neck. I raced as fast as my legs could carry me trying to get over the crest of the hill! My heart...
5 Tips for Combating Stress

5 Tips for Combating Stress

We all deal with stress to some degree or another. How we manage that stress varies greatly! I’m not here to tell you what is the right or wrong way for you. You are going to have to figure out what works for best you. But, I am going to give you some tips that I have...
What is up with the worship of busy?

What is up with the worship of busy?

I know I can’t be the only one out there who’s noticed this trend of worshiping the state of busyness. Am I right? Rest is shunned in trade for break neck hustle 24/7. Often I’ve been guilty too so no judgement here! Just noticing and calling out this idol I keep...
Will we choose commitment over comfort?

Will we choose commitment over comfort?

There is a certain comfort in having your dad as your pastor. I didn’t grow up a pastor’s kid. My dad got the call later in life. This might sound selfish but I’m going to be honest. If God called my dad into ministry only for the growth in me I know it was worth it!!...
What is your name?

What is your name?

Have you ever felt like something was missing? Women were created with greatness in their hearts just like everybody else. But how many of us in the process of taking care of others lose who we are? I can remember growing up and always being Doc’s daughter. Then when...

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