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Good Stewards

Good Stewards

Let me introduce you to some of the finest caretakers and stewards of the earth that I know – ranchers and farmers! I know what the media tries to tell you about us but I want to set the record straight. As a whole, you aren’t going to find a people more...
Closing the gap on the truth about our food sources

Closing the gap on the truth about our food sources

Those of us who grew up ranching and farming might find it shocking how many Americans don’t have the most basic understanding of where their food comes from. When you grow up in Agriculture you can find yourself assuming everyone understands how a vegetable is grown...
Why go against the flow?

Why go against the flow?

Friend, fall calving season has begun at our place. (Insert happy dance here!) Seriously, I love baby animals. Calves, lambs, puppies, kittens, foals, you name it I’m here for it! Then to top it off we changed some things around a couple of years ago and now we fall...

Tales from a Shepherdess

I have sheep so I guess that makes me a shepherdess. They have taught me so much over the last 20 years! I thought you might enjoy a little sneak peak into our lives with sheep so here is my latest YouTube video. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is to be...

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