What Critter Are You Based On How You Work?

Stand Guard – The Attack is On!

Its crunch time baby!I’m getting down to the wire preparing for the SheSpeaks conference in NC in one month.Eeek! Did you hear that? ONE month. My book proposal runs through my head in just about every waking moment. Sometimes even in my less than waking moments....

Open My Eyes

It’s lambing season at my house and it is just flat exhausting! You go nonstop. Sometimes I struggle to put one foot in front of the other honestly.I was telling a friend the other day that I felt like I was drowning. It was like I was desperately treading water just...

Brave Enough

Brave. So much meaning in one little word.Webster’s dictionary defines brave as “feeling or showing no fear : not afraid”.There are days I’m sure my picture is right there alongside that definition in the dictionary. Other days, not so much.This morning was one of the...

No More Excuses – Just Obey

Obedience can be tough! I know in my head what God calls me to is what is truly best, but it still doesn’t always make it easy.A couple of years ago, God called me into youth ministry. You want to talk about feeling unqualified. Yikes! I knew there was no way humanly...

Mercy Triumphs Over Justice

The crown of thorns doesn’t fit him. It just doesn’t belong. How could they not see? He was and is the one TRUE king.Beaten, bruised and bloody. That was Jesus on that hill at Golgotha. He had been mocked, insulted, and falsely accused.The human flesh he was in had to...

The Worry Pit

In a recent post we talked about how sports are great for helping us learn how to deal with winning as well as losing and doing both with dignity.Wow, God’s timing (or maybe it was His sense of humor) is amazing. It was less than an hour after I finished that piece...

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