What Critter Are You Based On How You Work?

Truths for transition + Announcement (Giveaway)

 Over the last two weeks we’ve dug into how moving into a new season of life can make us feel as well as ways to deal with it. Today I want to share some truth nuggets we can plant deep in our hearts as we move forward.   Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or...

Celebrate Marriage! – FMF

Five Minute Friday is so much fun for me. No pressure! Simply a word prompt on twitter (#fmfparty) on Thursday night and then write. No over thinking or editing. There is a linkup on Friday at http://katemotaung.com where we can read other’s five minute free...

Please, Not Me! (Five Minute Friday)

Have you ever felt that small tug at your heart from God? You might brush it aside and chalk it up to just a stray thought. But, it just doesn’t go away. It continues to grow.  A couple of years ago God was calling me out of my comfort zone. He was...

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