So, I was praying for healing from a non-stop head ache that had basically been crippling me for three days. I claimed healing and was going to stand firm and know healing was accomplished. I was thanking God for the healing when I heard in my spirit the following, participate in your miracle!
Wait, what? I thought I was participating by praying and standing in faith. Don’t get me wrong, that is participation, and God calls us to “Ask for anything in MY name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father.” John 14:13.
I was going to the throne boldly when the Lord put on my heart that there was something I could do to participate in my own healing. I prayed and asked if it was lack of sleep, a spiritual attack, maybe getting sick, anything I could think of at the moment. Then He spoke clearly to me that it was what I was eating. Who would have thought?
Well, I should have since I like to study nutrition. I had just gotten so wrapped up in my own stress from the past month that I didn’t slow down long enough to realize how bad my eating habits had become. That in turn had wreaked havoc on my health.
So, I will continue to stand on faith that I’m healed. I will also pray for strength to make smarter food choices, so that my health isn’t negatively affected.
I’m SO grateful that Jehovah Rapha is the God who heals and also lets me join in on this healing!